I had been operating with a sense of self doubt in the last little while. Sat down to have a dialogue with my Higher Self today.

Higher Self:

The true place of contribution is from within

It is the place of power

When you are shattered to pieces within

You cannot help others, if you cannot help yourself

First, take a hard look at yourself

Are you whole?

Do you vibrate with Love?

Do you vibrate with Joy?

Do you believe that you are good enough?

Do you believe you have what it takes?

Do you love yourself?

Do you love yourself?

My Ego Self:

I’m broken

I do not love myself

I do not believe in myself

I don’t know what to do

How can I ever be good enough?

Higher Self:

You are a magnificent light of love and joy

You are here to show people love and joy in…

everything that you do

My Ego Self:

They don’t need me

Who am I to assume that I can help them?

I am so little, and insignificant

Higher Self:

The Source is not out there

It is within

If you can trust,

You can tap into the wisdom within

Find yourself,

A part of you that does not require

Any approval from others

Or the recognition from others

Release your attachments of wanting to

Be there for others

And focus inward on yourself

This is where you can contribute

As much as you have ever wanted to contribute